CHS Solved Question Paper class 6 SET 2017 BHU : are you looking for CHS Class 6 old question papers or solved question papers of Central Hindu School, BHU?
Many students are asking me on Whatsapp for the”CHS Solved Paper class 6 SET 2017 BHU “. So here i am publishing the CHS Solved Paper class 6 SET 2017 BHU
I am publishing CHS old question Paper class 6 SET 2017 BHU along with the answer key. BHU School Entrance Test (BHU SET) is conducted to provide admission in the CHS (Central Hindu Boys School and Central Hindu Girls School.
BHU SET is national level entrance exam organized by the Controller of examination, BHU.
It is conducted once in a year in the month of May –June. This year, BHU SET was conducted between 16 May 2017 – 20 May 2017 in two meetings (1st Meeting Timing: 08.00 a.m. onwards 2nd Meeting Timing: 3.00 p.m. onwards.
In this article, we have updated the information regarding to the BHU CHS BHU SET Class 6 solved paper 2017.
Once I remind you if you are going to appear in the next SET Test, then you should download the last year’s papers and answer key available on our website. You can get it from our main navigation menu.
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